I play bass and electric gutiar at Meadow Springs Community Church in Portland, Oregon. I've played drums as well over the years.
I've been performing in various obscure bands since 1980. We sometimes spent good time and money to make tapes of our work. Now it seems a shame to let it remain unheard. So, rather than have this music sit in some obscure corner of my laboratory looking all forlorn, I present it for your enjoyment.
...and if you don't enjoy it, you can always listen to some of your old Jimmy Swaggart tapes!
In 1989 thru 1991 Jason Cooper and I did a tape of Jason's songs on a 4-track cassette deck. It was called Return To The Rock. Click here to listen to the best 10 excerpts from it. It is pretty rough in places since I was just learning to play drums, getting my engineering chops down, and ripping from a cassette! Still, we had a ball over the 4 years we worked on it and it ain't too bad (if I do say so myself)!
Further back in 1984, Jonathan Wesner and I were looking to start a band. We found Barney Wilcox, formerly with Manna, and Rick LaTour were out to start a band, too. We formed Omega with Diane Castillo on lead vocals. Our first concert was June 1985. In spring 1986 we made a tape called Lost In America. Click here to listen to the best 8 excerpts ripped from cassette. We were together for two years, performed over 14 months, and played 24 concerts around the Portland - Vancouver area.
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